A, B, C, D, 123, Link to Eufemia's Github Repo og Text Info Text
Code Editor
<ListFormat value={[ <React.Fragment key="a">A</React.Fragment>, <> <b>B</b> </>, <>C</>, 'D', 123, <a target="_blank" href="" className="dnb-anchor" rel="noopener noreferrer" key="github" > Link to Eufemia's Github Repo </a>, <> Text <Badge content="Info" variant="information" /> Text </>, ]} />
Custom format
A, B, C, D, 123, Link to Eufemia's Github Repo or Text Info Text
Code Editor
<Provider locale="en-GB"> <ListFormat value={[ <React.Fragment key="a">A</React.Fragment>, <> <b>B</b> </>, <>C</>, 'D', 123, <a target="_blank" href="" className="dnb-anchor" rel="noopener noreferrer" key="github" > Link to Eufemia's Github Repo </a>, <> Text <Badge content="Info" variant="information" /> Text </>, ]} format={{ type: 'disjunction', }} /> </Provider>
This is before the component 123, Link to Eufemia's Github Repo og Text Info Text This is after the component
Code Editor
<P> This is before the component{' '} <ListFormat value={[ 123, <a target="_blank" href="" className="dnb-anchor" rel="noopener noreferrer" key="github" > Link to Eufemia's Github Repo </a>, <> Text <Badge content="Info" variant="information" /> Text </>, ]} />{' '} This is after the component </P>
List variants
Ordered List:
- Foo
- Bar
- Baz
Unordered List:
- Foo
- Bar
- Baz
Code Editor
<P>Ordered List:</P> <ListFormat value={['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']} variant="ol" /> <P>Unordered List:</P> <ListFormat value={['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']} variant="ul" />
List types
Ordered List a:
- Foo
- Bar
- Baz
Ordered List A:
- Foo
- Bar
- Baz
Ordered List i:
- Foo
- Bar
- Baz
Ordered List I:
- Foo
- Bar
- Baz
Unordered List square:
- Foo
- Bar
- Baz
Unordered List circle:
- Foo
- Bar
- Baz
Code Editor
<P>Ordered List a:</P> <ListFormat value={['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']} variant="ol" listType="a" /> <P>Ordered List A:</P> <ListFormat value={['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']} variant="ol" listType="A" /> <P>Ordered List i:</P> <ListFormat value={['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']} variant="ol" listType="i" /> <P>Ordered List I:</P> <ListFormat value={['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']} variant="ol" listType="I" /> <P>Unordered List square:</P> <ListFormat value={['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']} variant="ul" listType="square" /> <P>Unordered List circle:</P> <ListFormat value={['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']} variant="ul" listType="circle" />
Using listFormat function
A, B, C, D, 123, Link to Eufemia's Github Repo, or Text Info Text
Code Editor
{ listFormat( [ <React.Fragment key="a">A</React.Fragment>, <> <b>B</b> </>, <>C</>, 'D', 123, <a target="_blank" href="" className="dnb-anchor" rel="noopener noreferrer" key="github" > Link to Eufemia's Github Repo </a>, <> Text <Badge content="Info" variant="information" /> Text </>, ], { format: { type: 'disjunction', }, locale: 'en-US', }, ) }